
# MoinMoin zh system text translation
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MoinMoin 1.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-04 22:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-06 11:09+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Dormouse.Young <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese <>\n"
"Language: zh\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Thanks: Li Qin <> Jiang Xin <>\n"
"X-Direction: ltr\n"
"X-Language: 简体中文\n"
"X-Language-in-English: Simplified Chinese\n"
"X-HasWikiMarkup: True\n"
"X-Generator: Vim\n"

msgid "Your changes are not saved!"
msgstr "您的改动未保存!"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page."
msgstr "您无权编辑此页。"

msgid "Page is immutable!"
msgstr "此页不能编辑!"

msgid "Cannot edit old revisions!"
msgstr "不能编辑旧版网页!"

msgid "The lock you held timed out. Be prepared for editing conflicts!"
msgstr "您的编辑锁定超时。可能会发生编辑冲突!"

msgid "Page name is too long, try shorter name."
msgstr "网页名称太长,试试短一些的名称。"

#, python-format
msgid "Draft of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "\"%(pagename)s\"草稿"

#, python-format
msgid "Edit \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "编辑\"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Preview of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "\"%(pagename)s\"预览"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s has expired!"
msgstr "您对 %(lock_page)s 的编辑锁定已经超时!"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # minutes."
msgstr "您对 %(lock_page)s 的锁定将在#分钟内失效。"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # seconds."
msgstr "您对 %(lock_page)s 的锁定将在#秒内失效。"

msgid "Someone else deleted this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "在您编辑此页时,别的用户删除了此页!"

msgid "Someone else changed this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "在您编辑此页时,别的用户修改了此页!"

msgid ""
"Someone else saved this page while you were editing!\n"
"Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!"
msgstr ""

msgid "[Content loaded from draft]"
msgstr "[内容从草稿载入]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Content of new page loaded from %s]"
msgstr "[新页的内容从 %s 载入]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Template %s not found]"
msgstr "[未找到模板 %s]"

#, python-format
msgid "[You may not read %s]"
msgstr "[您不可以阅读 %s]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''<<BR>>Your draft based on revision %(draft_rev)d (saved "
"%(draft_timestamp_str)s) can be loaded instead of the current revision "
"%(page_rev)d by using the load draft button - in case you lost your last "
"edit somehow without saving it.''' A draft gets saved for you when you do a "
"preview, cancel an edit or unsuccessfully save."
msgstr ""
"'''<<BR>>如果您未能成功保存最后一次编辑的内容,可以按 [载入草稿] 来载入修订版"
"本号为 %(draft_rev)d 的草稿(存于 %(draft_timestamp_str)s)来取代目前的修订版"
"本 %(page_rev)d''' 当预览、取消编辑、保存失败时,系统会自动为您保留一份草稿。"

#, python-format
msgid "Describe %s here."
msgstr "在这里详述 %s。"

msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "拼写检查"

msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "保存"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"By hitting '''%(save_button_text)s''' you put your changes under the "
"If you don't want that, hit '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' to cancel your "
msgstr ""
"按下 '''%(save_button_text)s''' 表示您同意受 %(license_link)s规定之约束。\n"
"如果您不同意,按 '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' 取消您的修改。"

msgid "Preview"
msgstr "预览"

msgid "GUI Mode"
msgstr "图形界面模式"

msgid "Load Draft"
msgstr "载入草稿"

msgid "Trivial change"
msgstr "小修改"

msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "备注:"

msgid "<No addition>"
msgstr "<不加>"

#, python-format
msgid "Add to: %(category)s"
msgstr "添加到:%(category)s"

msgid "Remove trailing whitespace from each line"
msgstr "去掉每行尾部空白"

msgid "Edit was cancelled."
msgstr "编辑取消了。"

msgid "You can't copy to an empty pagename."
msgstr "不能复制到空白网页。"

msgid "You are not allowed to copy this page!"
msgstr "您无权复制此页!"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
"Try a different name."
msgstr ""
"'''已经有一页叫做{{{'%s'}}} 了。'''\n"

#, python-format
msgid "Could not copy page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "网页复制失败,文件系统异常:%s。"

msgid "You are not allowed to rename this page!"
msgstr "您无权重命名此页!"

msgid "You can't rename to an empty pagename."
msgstr "不能保存空白网页。"

#, python-format
msgid "Could not rename page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "网页改名失败,文件系统异常:%s。"

msgid "You are not allowed to delete this page!"
msgstr "您无权删除此页!"

msgid "Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated."
msgstr "谢谢您的细心修改。"

#, python-format
msgid "Page \"%s\" was successfully deleted!"
msgstr "网页\"%s\"被已被删除!"

#, python-format
msgid "Page could not get locked. Unexpected error (errno=%d)."
msgstr "网页未能被锁定。未知错误(errno=%d)。"

msgid "Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?"
msgstr "网页未能被锁定。缺少'当前'文件?"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine current page revision from the 'current' file. The page "
"%s is damaged and cannot be edited right now."
msgstr "无法从'当前'文件确定当前网页的版本。网页 %s 已经破坏,不能马上编辑。"

#, python-format
msgid "Cannot save page %s, no storage space left."
msgstr "不能保存网页 %s,存储空间不足。"

#, python-format
msgid "An I/O error occurred while saving page %s (errno=%d)"
msgstr "保存网页 %s 时发生 I/O 错误 (errno=%d)"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page!"
msgstr "您无权编辑此页!"

msgid "You cannot save empty pages."
msgstr "不能保存空白网页。"

msgid "You already saved this page!"
msgstr "您已经保存了此页!"

msgid "You already edited this page! Please do not use the back button."
msgstr "您已经编辑了此页!请不要使用返回按钮。"

msgid "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
msgstr "此页未作改动,所以没有保存!"

msgid ""
"You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!"
msgstr "您不能修改此页的访问控制表(ACL),因为您没有管理权限!"

msgid "Notifications sent to:"
msgstr "通知发送到:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The lock of %(owner)s timed out %(mins_ago)d minute(s) ago, and you were "
"granted the lock for this page."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''blocked'' from editing this page until %(bumptime)s."
msgstr "在%(bumptime)s之前,其他用户将''无法''编辑此页。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''warned'' until %(bumptime)s that you are editing this "
msgstr "在%(bumptime)s之前,系统会''提示''其他用户您正在修改此页。"

msgid "Use the Preview button to extend the locking period."
msgstr "如果要延长锁定期间,请按编辑框下面的\"预览\"按钮。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page is currently ''locked'' for editing by %(owner)s until "
"%(timestamp)s, i.e. for %(mins_valid)d minute(s)."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page was opened for editing or last previewed at %(timestamp)s by "
"'''You should ''refrain from editing'' this page for at least another "
"%(mins_valid)d minute(s),\n"
"to avoid editing conflicts.'''<<BR>>\n"
"To leave the editor, press the Cancel button."
msgstr ""
"%(owner)s从%(timestamp)s 开始编辑或预览此页。<<BR>>\n"

msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<未知>"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Your wiki account data"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] 您的维基帐号资料"

msgid ""
"Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery token.\n"
"If you lost your password, please go to the password reset URL below or\n"
"go to the password recovery page again and enter your username and the\n"
"recovery token.\n"
msgstr ""
"如果您丢失了口令,请访问下面的口令重置 URL \n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Login Name: %s\n"
"Password recovery token: %s\n"
"Password reset URL: %s?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"
msgstr ""
"口令重置 URL:%s/?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "The package needs a newer version of MoinMoin (at least %s)."
msgstr "此安装包需要更新版本的MoinMoin (至少 %s)。"

msgid "The theme name is not set."
msgstr "主题名未设置。"

#, python-format
msgid "Theme files not installed! Write rights missing for %s."
msgstr "样式文件未安装! %s 无写权限."

#, python-format
msgid "Installation of '%(filename)s' failed."
msgstr "文件'%(filename)s'安装失败。"

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s is not a MoinMoin package file."
msgstr "文件%s不是MoinMoin包。"

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s does not exist."
msgstr "网页 %s 不存在。"

msgid "Invalid package file header."
msgstr "不正确的包文件头。"

msgid "Package file format unsupported."
msgstr "包文件格式不支持。"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown function %(func)s in line %(lineno)i."
msgstr "%(lineno)i行存在未知函数%(func)s。"

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s was not found in the package."
msgstr "文件 %s 不是MoinMoin包。"

msgid "The wiki is currently not reachable."
msgstr "本维基目前不可访问。"

msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "用户名或密码错误。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The remote wiki uses a different InterWiki name (%(remotename)s) internally "
"than you specified (%(localname)s)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Text mode"
msgstr "文本模式"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action %(action_name)s."
msgstr "未知操作%(action_name)s。"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to do %(action_name)s on this page."
msgstr "您无权对此网页进行%(action_name)s操作。"

msgid "Login and try again."
msgstr "请登录后再试。"

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数 \"%s\" 必须为布尔值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数必须为布尔值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数 \"%s\" 必须为整型值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数必须为整型值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数 \"%s\" 必须为浮点值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数必须为浮点值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数 \"%s\" 必须为复数值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数必须为复数值,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数 \"%s\" 必须是 \"%s\" 之一,不是 \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "参数必须是 \"%s\" 之一,不是 \"%s\""

msgid "Too many arguments"
msgstr "参数过多"

msgid "Cannot have arguments without name following named arguments"
msgstr "命名参数之后不允许有非命名参数"

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" is required"
msgstr "需要参数\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "No argument named \"%s\""
msgstr "没有参数\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"=\" to follow \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "\"%(token)s\"后面应该有个 \"=\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a value for key \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "键\"%(token)s\"应该有对应的值"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid highlighting regular expression \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"
msgstr "无效的加亮效果正则表达式 \"%(regex)s\":%(error)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Text matching regular expression \"%(regex)s\" is highlighted. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Switch to non-highlighted view"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The backed up content of this page is deprecated and will rank lower in "
"search results!"
msgstr "此页的备份将被轻视,并且在搜索结果中将排在靠后的位置!"

#, python-format
msgid "Revision %(rev)d as of %(date)s"
msgstr "于%(date)s修订的的版本%(rev)d"

#, python-format
msgid "Redirected from page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "从 \"%(page)s\" 页重定向过来"

#, python-format
msgid "This page redirects to page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "此页重定向到网页 \"%(page)s\""

msgid "Create New Page"
msgstr "创建网页"

msgid "You are not allowed to view this page."
msgstr "您无权阅读此页。"

msgid "No recipients, nothing to do"
msgstr "没有增订,什么也没有做"

#, python-format
msgid "Connection to mailserver '%(server)s' failed: %(reason)s"
msgstr "无发连接到邮件服务器'%(server)s':%(reason)s"

msgid "Mail not sent"
msgstr "邮件发送失败"

msgid "Mail sent OK"
msgstr "邮件成功发送"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "日期"

msgid "From"
msgstr "寄件人"

msgid "To"
msgstr "收件人"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "目录"

msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "附件"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, can not save page because \"%(content)s\" is not allowed in this wiki."
msgstr "抱歉,由于\"%(content)s\"在本维基被禁止,网页不能存储。"

msgid "Could not contact"
msgstr "无法连接到。"

msgid "Please log in first."
msgstr "请先登录。"

msgid "Failed to connect to database."
msgstr "连接数据库失败。"

msgid "Missing password. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "需要密码,请输入用户名和密码。"

#, python-format
msgid "LDAP server %(server)s failed."
msgstr "LDAP 服务器 %(server)s 失败。"

msgid ""
"Please choose an account name now.\n"
"If you choose an existing account name you will be asked for the\n"
"password and be able to associate the account with your OpenID."
msgstr ""
"才能将帐户和 OpenID 关联。"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "用户名"

msgid "Choose this name"
msgstr "选择这个名字"

msgid "This is not a valid username, choose a different one."
msgstr "这不是一个有效的用户名,另选一个。"

msgid ""
"The username you have chosen is already\n"
"taken. If it is your username, enter your password below to associate\n"
"the username with your OpenID. Otherwise, please choose a different\n"
"username and leave the password field blank."
msgstr ""
"请输入您的口令以将您的用户名和 OpenID 关联。\n"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"

msgid "Associate this name"
msgstr "关联该名称"

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID error: %s."
msgstr "OpenID 失败:%s。"

msgid "OpenID verification canceled."
msgstr "OpenID 校验取消了。"

msgid "Verification canceled."
msgstr "校验取消了。"

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID success. id: %s"
msgstr "OpenID 成功添加。id: %s"

msgid "OpenID failure"
msgstr "OpenID 失败。"

msgid "OpenID failure."
msgstr "OpenID 失败。"

msgid "No OpenID found in session."
msgstr "未提供 OpenID。"

msgid "Your account is now associated to your OpenID."
msgstr "您的帐号现在关联到您的 OpenID。"

msgid "The password you entered is not valid."
msgstr "您输入的口令无效。"

msgid "OpenID error: unknown continuation stage"
msgstr "OpenID 错误: 未知的扩展状态"

msgid "OpenID verification requires that you click this button:"
msgstr "OpenID 校验需要您点击这个按钮:"

msgid "Anonymous sessions need to be enabled for OpenID login."
msgstr "使用 OpenID 登录需要启用匿名 session。"

msgid "Failed to resolve OpenID."
msgstr "解析 OpenID 失败。"

msgid "OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID."
msgstr "OpenID 发现失败,不是一个有效的 OpenID。"

msgid "No OpenID."
msgstr "无 OpenID。"

msgid ""
"If you do not have an account yet, you can still log in with your OpenID and "
"create one during login."
msgstr "如果您还没有帐号,您也可以用 OpenID 登录,在登录过程中会自动创建帐户。"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Missing user name. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "需要密码,请输入用户名和密码。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you do not have an account, <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">you can create "
"one now</a>. "
msgstr "如果您没有帐号,<a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">您现在可以创建一个</a>。"

#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Forgot your password?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">忘记口令?</a>"

msgid "HelpOnParsers"
msgstr "帮助-分析插件"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Syntax highlighting not supported for '%(syntax)s', see "
msgstr "语法高亮还未支持: '%(syntax)s', 参考 %(highlight_help_page)s."

msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''italics''<<Verbatim(//)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**)>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; <<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(//**)>>; <<Verbatim(//)>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>> and "
" Horizontal Rule:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" Force Linebreak:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: * bullets; ** sub-bullets; # numbered items; ## numbered sub "
" Links:: <<Verbatim([[target]])>>; <<Verbatim([[target|linktext]])>>.\n"
" Tables:: |= header text | cell text | more cell text |;\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnCreoleSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" 强调:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''斜体''<<Verbatim(//)>>; <<Verbatim(**)>>'''粗"
"题'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; <<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''粗体 斜体'''''<<Verbatim(//"
"**)>>; <<Verbatim(//)>>''混合 ''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''粗体'''<<Verbatim(**)>> "
" 水平线:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" 强制换行:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" 标题:: = 标题 1 =; == 标题 2 ==; === 标题 3 ===; ==== 标题 4 ====; ===== 标"
"题 5 =====.\n"
" 列表:: * 圆点; ** 下级圆点; # 编号列表; ## 下级编号列表。\n"
" 链接:: <<Verbatim([[target]])>>; <<Verbatim([[target|linktext]])>>.\n"
" 表格:: |= 表头文字 | 单元格文字 | 更多单元格文字 |;\n"
"(!) 更多帮助见[[帮助-编辑]]或[[帮助-Creole语法]],英文帮助查看 HelpOnEditing "
"或 HelpOnCreoleSyntax。\n"

msgid "XSLT option disabled, please look at HelpOnConfiguration."
msgstr "XSLT选项没有激活,请参阅[[帮助-系统设置]]。"

msgid "XSLT processing is not available, please install 4suite 1.x."
msgstr "没有XSLT处理套件。请安装 4suite 1.x。"

#, python-format
msgid "%(errortype)s processing error"
msgstr "%(errortype)s处理错误"

msgid ""
"Rendering of reStructured text is not possible, please install Docutils."
msgstr "无法正确显示reStructured文本,请安装Docutils。"

msgid ""
"Emphasis: *italic* **bold** ``monospace``\n"
"Headings: Heading 1  Heading 2  Heading 3\n"
"          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Horizontal rule: ----\n"
"Links: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_\n"
".. _external:\n"
"Lists: * bullets; 1., a. numbered items.\n"
"(!) For more help, see the\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"
msgstr ""
"强调: *斜体* **粗体** ``等宽字体``\n"
"标题:  标题 1  标题 2  标题 3\n"
"       ======  ------  ~~~~~~\n"
"水平线: ---- \n"
"链接: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_ \n"
".. _external:\n"
"列表: * 圆点; 1., a. 编号列表。\n"
"(!) 更多帮助见\n"
"reStructuredText 快速参考]]。\n"

msgid "**Maximum number of allowed includes exceeded**"
msgstr "**太多的包含(include)**"

#, python-format
msgid "**You are not allowed to read the page: %s**"
msgstr "**您无权读取页面:%s**"

#, python-format
msgid "**Could not find the referenced page: %s**"
msgstr "**未能找到引用的网页:%s**"

msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim('')>>''italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; <<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; <<Verbatim('')>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>> and "
"italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontal rule.\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items; 1."
"#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.\n"
" Links:: <<Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)>>; <<Verbatim([[target|"
" Tables:: || cell text |||| cell text spanning 2 columns ||;    no trailing "
"white space allowed after tables or titles.\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" 强调:: <<Verbatim('')>>''斜体''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(''')>>'''粗"
"体'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; <<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''粗斜"
"体'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; <<Verbatim('')>>''混合 ''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''粗"
"体'''<<Verbatim(''')>> 和斜体''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> 横线。\n"
" 标题:: = 标题 1 =; == 标题 2 ==; === 标题 3 ===; ==== 标题 4 ====; ===== 标"
"题 5 =====.\n"
" 列表:: 空格与下列符号之一: * 代表圆点; 1., a., A., i., I. 代表编号; 1.#n 从n"
"开始编号; 空格本身代表缩进.\n"
" 链接:: <<Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords 紧连的两个以上大写开头单词)>>; "
" 表格:: || 单元格文字 |||| 单元格文字横跨两列 ||;    表格或标题后不可以有尾随"
"空格(!) 更多帮助见[[帮助-编辑]][[帮助-Moin维基语法]],英文帮助查看 "
"HelpOnEditing 或 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax。\n"

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"%(wanted)s\" after \"%(key)s\", got \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "\"%(key)s\"后面应该接\"%(wanted)s\",但却接着\"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(key)s\" before \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "\"%(token)s\"前面要的是整数\"%(key)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "\"%(key)s\"后面要的是整数\"%(arg)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a color value \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "\"%(key)s\"后面要接颜色值\"%(arg)s\""

msgid "Password is too short."
msgstr "口令太短了。"

msgid "Password has not enough different characters."
msgstr "口令没有足够多的差异字符。"

msgid ""
"Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password)."
msgstr "口令太简单了(口令包含用户名或者用户名包含口令)。"

msgid "Password is too easy (keyboard sequence)."
msgstr "口令太简单了(键盘序列)。"

msgid "Diffs"
msgstr "版本比较"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "信息"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"

msgid "UnSubscribe"
msgstr "取消订阅"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "订阅"

msgid "Raw"
msgstr "源码"

msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"

msgid "Print"
msgstr "打印"

msgid "View"
msgstr "刷新"

msgid "Up"
msgstr "上层"

msgid "Publish my email (not my wiki homepage) in author info"
msgstr "在作者信息中显示我的电子邮件地址(不是我的维基个人主页)"

msgid "Open editor on double click"
msgstr "双击打开编辑器"

msgid "After login, jump to last visited page"
msgstr "登陆后,跳转之前访问页。"

msgid "Show comment sections"
msgstr "显示备注栏"

msgid "Show question mark for non-existing pagelinks"
msgstr "不存在的网页链接显示问号"

msgid "Show page trail"
msgstr "显示网页访问历史"

msgid "Show icon toolbar"
msgstr "显示图标工具条"

msgid "Show top/bottom links in headings"
msgstr "在页眉中显示页首/页尾链接"

msgid "Show fancy diffs"
msgstr "显示精细的版本比较"

msgid "Add spaces to displayed wiki names"
msgstr "给显示的维基名加空格"

msgid "Remember login information"
msgstr "保存登录信息"

msgid "Disable this account forever"
msgstr "永久停用此帐户"

msgid "(Use FirstnameLastname)"
msgstr "(请用 FirstnameLastname)"

msgid "Alias-Name"
msgstr "别名"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "电子邮件"

msgid "Jabber ID"
msgstr "Jabber ID"

msgid "User CSS URL"
msgstr "自选CSS的URL"

msgid "(Leave it empty for disabling user CSS)"
msgstr "(空白表示不用自选的CSS)"

msgid "Editor size"
msgstr "编辑器大小"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sUpdate of \"%(pagename)s\" by %(username)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s]的\"%(pagename)s\"由%(username)s进行了%(trivial)s更新"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on \"%(sitename)s\" for "
"change notification.\n"
"The \"%(pagename)s\" page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"您在 \"%(sitename)s\" 上订阅了一个维基页面或者维基分类的改动通知。\n"
"页面 \"%(pagename)s\" 被用户 %(editor)s 更改:\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been deleted by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"您订阅了一个 wiki 页面 \"%(sitename)s\" 改动通知。\n"
"%(editor)s 删除了页面 \"%(pagename)s\":\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been renamed from \"%(oldname)s\" by "
msgstr ""
"您订阅了一个 wiki 页面 \"%(sitename)s\" 改动通知。\n"
"用户 %(editor)s 将页面 \"%(pagename)s\" 改名为 \"%(oldname)s\":\n"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New attachment added to page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] 新附件已添加到 %(pagename)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been added to that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"您订阅了一个 wiki 页面 \"%(page_name)s\" 改动通知。用户 %(editor)s 为页面添加"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Removed attachment from page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] 已从 %(pagename)s 删除附件"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been removed from that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"您订阅了一个 wiki 页面 \"%(page_name)s\" 改动通知。用户 %(editor)s 删除了页面"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New user account created"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] 新用户创建完成"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Superuser, a new user has just been created on \"%(sitename)s\". "
"Details follow:\n"
"    User name: %(username)s\n"
"    Email address: %(useremail)s"
msgstr ""
"管理员您好,一个新的用户帐号刚刚在 \"%(sitename)s\" 上被创建。详细信息如下:\n"
"    用户名:%(username)s\n"
"    邮件地址:%(useremail)s"

msgid "anonymous"
msgstr "匿名"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "行号"

msgid "No differences found!"
msgstr "未发现区别!"

msgid "Deletions are marked like this."
msgstr "删除的内容标记成这样。"

msgid "Additions are marked like this."
msgstr "加入的内容标记成这样。"

msgid "DeleteCache"
msgstr "删除缓存"

#, python-format
msgid "(cached %s)"
msgstr "(%s缓存)"

msgid "Or try one of these actions:"
msgstr "或下列操作:"

msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "取消订阅"

msgid "Home"
msgstr "主页"

msgid "[RSS]"
msgstr "[RSS]"

msgid "[DELETED]"
msgstr "[已删除]"

msgid "[UPDATED]"
msgstr "[已更新]"

msgid "[RENAMED]"
msgstr "[已更名]"

msgid "[CONFLICT]"
msgstr "[冲突]"

msgid "[NEW]"
msgstr "[新建]"

msgid "[DIFF]"
msgstr "[比较]"

msgid "[BOTTOM]"
msgstr "[底部]"

msgid "[TOP]"
msgstr "[顶部]"

msgid "Click to do a full-text search for this title"
msgstr "点击对这个标题进行全文检索"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "登出"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "登录"

msgid "Clear message"
msgstr "清除此提示信息"

#, python-format
msgid "last edited %(time)s by %(editor)s"
msgstr "%(time)s由%(editor)s编辑"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified %(time)s"
msgstr "最后修改时间 %(time)s"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "搜索:"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "正文"

msgid "Titles"
msgstr "标题"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "搜索"

msgid "More Actions:"
msgstr "更多操作:"

msgid "------------------------"
msgstr "------------------------"

msgid "Raw Text"
msgstr "源码"

msgid "Print View"
msgstr "打印视图"

msgid "Delete Cache"
msgstr "删除缓存"

msgid "Rename Page"
msgstr "改名"

msgid "Copy Page"
msgstr "复制网页"

msgid "Delete Page"
msgstr "删除"

msgid "Like Pages"
msgstr "相似网页"

msgid "Local Site Map"
msgstr "本站地图"

msgid "My Pages"
msgstr "我的网页"

msgid "Subscribe User"
msgstr "订阅"

msgid "Remove Spam"
msgstr "删除垃圾广告"

msgid "Revert to this revision"
msgstr "恢复成此版本"

msgid "Package Pages"
msgstr "网页打包"

msgid "Render as Docbook"
msgstr "输出Docbook格式"

msgid "Sync Pages"
msgstr "同步网页"

msgid "Do"
msgstr "执行"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "注释"

msgid "Edit (Text)"
msgstr "编辑(文本方式)"

msgid "Edit (GUI)"
msgstr "编辑(图形界面)"

msgid "Immutable Page"
msgstr "只读网页"

msgid "Remove Link"
msgstr "删除链接"

msgid "Add Link"
msgstr "添加链接"

#, python-format
msgid "Show %s days."
msgstr "显示%s天。"

msgid "Wiki Markup"
msgstr "维基标记"

msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "维基"

msgid "Page"
msgstr "网页"

msgid "User"
msgstr "用户"

msgid "[ATTACH]"
msgstr "[附件]"

msgid "Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"
msgstr "参数 --pages 和 --search 互斥!"

msgid "You must specify an output file!"
msgstr "您必须定义一个输出文件!"

msgid "No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."
msgstr "使用 --pages 或 --search 时没有指定页面,认为是全部。"

msgid "All attachments included into the package."
msgstr "所有附件已包含到此包中。"

msgid "Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"
msgstr "输出文件已经存在!拒绝执行!"

msgid "Attachment link"
msgstr "附件链接"

msgid "Page link"
msgstr "网页链接"

msgid "Changed page"
msgstr "修改网页"

msgid "Page changed"
msgstr "页面已修改"

msgid "Page has been modified"
msgstr "页面被修改"

msgid "Page has been modified in a trivial fashion"
msgstr "页面进行了小修改"

msgid "Page has been renamed"
msgstr "页面被重命名"

msgid "Page has been deleted"
msgstr "页面被删除"

msgid "Page has been copied"
msgstr "页面被复制"

msgid "A new attachment has been added"
msgstr "添加了一个新附件"

msgid "An attachment has been removed"
msgstr "一个附件已被删除"

msgid "A page has been reverted to a previous state"
msgstr "一个页面被恢复到旧版本"

msgid "A user has subscribed to a page"
msgstr "一个用户已订阅一个页面"

msgid "A new account has been created"
msgstr "一个新帐号被创建"

msgid "Trivial "
msgstr "小的"

msgid "New page:\n"
msgstr "新网页:\n"

msgid "No differences found!\n"
msgstr "没有区别!\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment link: %(attach)s\n"
"Page link: %(page)s\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "[all]"
msgstr "[全部]"

msgid "[not empty]"
msgstr "[非空白]"

msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[空白]"

msgid "filter"
msgstr "过滤器"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Results %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s of %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d"
"%(be)s results out of about %(pages)d pages."
msgstr ""
"在约%(pages)d个网页中找到%(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d%(be)s项结果,这是"
"第%(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s项。"

msgid "seconds"
msgstr "秒"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "向前"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "向后"

msgid "rev"
msgstr "版本"

msgid "current"
msgstr "当前"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified: %s"
msgstr "最后修改时间:%s"

msgid "match"
msgstr "次匹配"

msgid "matches"
msgstr "次匹配"

msgid "about"
msgstr "关于"

msgid "This page is already deleted or was never created!"
msgstr "此页已被删除或根本就不存在!"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid filename \"%s\"!"
msgstr "无效的文件名 \"%s\"!"

msgid "Include all attachments?"
msgstr "包含所有附件?"

msgid "Package pages"
msgstr "网页打包"

msgid "Package name"
msgstr "打包文件名"

msgid "List of page names - separated by a comma"
msgstr "网页名列表 - 以逗号分隔"

#, python-format
msgid "No pages like \"%s\"!"
msgstr "\"%s\"没有相似网页!"

#, python-format
msgid "Rolled back changes to the page %s."
msgstr "恢复网页%s改动。"

msgid "Exception while calling rollback function:"
msgstr "调用恢复函数时发生错误:"

msgid ""
"Please enter your password of your account at the remote wiki below. "
"<<BR>> /!\\ You should trust both wikis because the password could be read "
"by the particular administrators."
msgstr ""
"请输入远程维基上您的账号口令。<<BR>> /!\\ 您必须信任双方维基,因为特定的管理"

msgid "Operation was canceled."
msgstr "操作取消了。"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to use action %(actionname)s!"
msgstr "请使用用户界面交互进行%(actionname)s操作!"

msgid "The only supported directions are BOTH and DOWN."
msgstr "可支持的方向为BOTH和DOWN。"

msgid ""
"Please set an interwikiname in your wikiconfig (see HelpOnConfiguration) to "
"be able to use this action."
msgstr ""
"要使用此操作,请在您的wikiconfig文件中设置interwikiname (参见[[帮助-系统设"
"置]], 英文页面 HelpOnConfiguration)。"

msgid ""
"Incorrect parameters. Please supply at least the ''remoteWiki'' parameter. "
"Refer to HelpOnSynchronisation for help."
msgstr ""
"参数错误。请至少提供''remoteWiki''参数。参见[[帮助-同步]],英文页面 "

msgid "The ''remoteWiki'' is unknown."
msgstr "未知的''remoteWiki''。"

msgid "A severe error occurred:"
msgstr "严重错误:"

msgid "Synchronisation finished. Look below for the status messages."
msgstr "同步已完成。以下为状态信息。"

msgid "Synchronisation started -"
msgstr "同步开始 -"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Got a list of %s local and %s remote pages. This results in %s pages to "
msgstr "已获取 %s 个本地页面和 %s 个远程页面。共需处理 %s 个页面。"

#, python-format
msgid "After filtering: %s pages"
msgstr "过滤后:%s个网页"

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of no write access to local page."
msgstr "由于对本地网页无写入权限,跳过网页%s。"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s locally."
msgstr "删除本地页面%s。"

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s locally:"
msgstr "删除当地网页%s时发生错误:"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s remotely."
msgstr "删除远程网页%s。"

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s remotely:"
msgstr "删除远程网页%s时发生错误:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s cannot be merged automatically but was changed in both wikis. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis and try again."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s has different mime types in both wikis and cannot be merged. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis or unify the mime type, and try again."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s was renamed locally. This is not implemented yet. Therefore the "
"full synchronisation history is lost for this page."
msgstr "%s在当地已重命名。该功能尚未实现。因此该网页完整的同步历史将丢失。"

#, python-format
msgid "Synchronising page %s with remote page %s ..."
msgstr "网页%s与远程网页%s正在同步 ..."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s was deleted remotely but changed locally."
msgstr "网页%s在远程维基上已删除,而在本地维基上有改动。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be synced. The remote page was renamed. This is not "
"supported yet. You may want to delete one of the pages to get it synced."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of a locally or remotely unresolved conflict."
msgstr "由于本地或远程未解决的冲突,跳过网页%s。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This is the first synchronisation between the local and the remote wiki for "
"the page %s."
msgstr "这是网页%s在本地和远程维基的第一次同步。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the "
"page in the remote wiki."
msgstr "您无权修改远程维基网页%s,合并无法继续。"

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s successfully merged."
msgstr "网页\"%s\"已成功合并。"

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s contains conflicts that were introduced on the remote side."
msgstr "远程网页%s中含有冲突内容。"

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s merged with conflicts."
msgstr "冲突网页%s已合并。"

msgid "Attachment location"
msgstr "附件位置"

msgid "Page name"
msgstr "网页名称"

msgid "Attachment name"
msgstr "附件名称"

msgid "Refresh attachment list"
msgstr "刷新附件列表"

msgid "List of attachments"
msgstr "附件列表"

msgid "Available attachments for page"
msgstr "网页所允许的附件"

#, python-format
msgid "Exactly one page like \"%s\" found, redirecting to page."
msgstr "刚好有一个网页和\"%s\"相似,重定向到该页。"

#, python-format
msgid "Pages like \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\"的相似网页"

#, python-format
msgid "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s for \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "共发现%(matchcount)d%(matches)s与\"%(title)s\"相似的页"

msgid "You must login to remove a quicklink."
msgstr "您必须首先登录才能删除快捷链接。"

msgid "Your quicklink to this page has been removed."
msgstr "删除了您对本页的快捷链接。"

msgid "Your quicklink to this page could not be removed."
msgstr "无法删除您对本页的快捷链接。"

msgid "You need to have a quicklink to this page to remove it."
msgstr "您尚未添加本页的快捷链接,因此无法删除。"

msgid "Please choose:"
msgstr "请选择:"

#, python-format
msgid "You must login to use this action: %(action)s."
msgstr "您必须首先登录才能使用此动作:%(action)s。"

msgid "Only superuser is allowed to use this action."
msgstr "只有超级用户才被允许使用该动作。"

msgid "You are not allowed to subscribe to a page you can't read."
msgstr "您不能订阅无权阅读的网页。"

msgid "This wiki is not enabled for mail/Jabber processing."
msgstr "本维基的邮件/Jabber处理尚未启用。"

msgid "You must log in to use subscriptions."
msgstr "您必须首先登录才能订阅。"

msgid ""
"Add your email address or Jabber ID in your user settings to use "
msgstr "在用户设置中设定您的电子邮件地址或者 Jabber ID 后才能订阅。"

msgid "You are already subscribed to this page."
msgstr "您已经订阅了此页。"

msgid "You have been subscribed to this page."
msgstr "您已经订阅了此页。"

msgid "You could not get subscribed to this page."
msgstr "您无法订阅此页。"

#, python-format
msgid "Upload of attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "上载附件'%(filename)s'。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' deleted."
msgstr "附件'%(filename)s'已删除。"

#, python-format
msgid "Drawing '%(filename)s' saved."
msgstr "图片'%(filename)s'已保存。"

#, python-format
msgid "Revert to revision %(rev)d."
msgstr "恢复成版本%(rev)d。"

#, python-format
msgid "Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'."
msgstr "由'%(oldpagename)s'更名而成。"

#, python-format
msgid "[%d attachments]"
msgstr "[%d个附件]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"There are <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s attachment(s)</a> stored for this "
msgstr "此页包含 <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s 个附件</a>。"

msgid "Filename of attachment not specified!"
msgstr "未指定附件的文件名!"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' does not exist!"
msgstr "附件'%(filename)s'不存在!"

msgid ""
"To refer to attachments on a page, use '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"as shown below in the list of files. \n"
"Do '''NOT''' use the URL of the {{{[get]}}} link, \n"
"since this is subject to change and can break easily."
msgstr ""
"请'''不要'''用{{{[下载]}}}指向的 URL,\n"

msgid "del"
msgstr "删除"

msgid "move"
msgstr "移动"

msgid "get"
msgstr "下载"

msgid "edit"
msgstr "编辑"

msgid "view"
msgstr "查看"

msgid "unzip"
msgstr "解压缩"

msgid "install"
msgstr "安装"

msgid "All files"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Files:"
msgstr "附件"

#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
msgstr "删除"

#, fuzzy
msgid "move to page"
msgstr "总网页数"

msgid "Do it."
msgstr "执行。"

#, python-format
msgid "No attachments stored for %(pagename)s"
msgstr "%(pagename)s没有附件"

msgid "You are not allowed to delete attachments on this page."
msgstr "您无权删除此页的附件。"

msgid "You are not allowed to move attachments from this page."
msgstr "您无权移动此页附件。"

msgid "You are not allowed to attach a file to this page."
msgstr "你无权为此页上载附件。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' moved to '%(new_pagename)s/"
msgstr ""
"附件 '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' 移动到 '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s'。"

msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "上载附件"

msgid "File to upload"
msgstr "待上载文件"

msgid "Rename to"
msgstr "改名为"

msgid "Overwrite existing attachment of same name"
msgstr "覆盖同名的现有附件"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "上载"

msgid "Attached Files"
msgstr "附件"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported AttachFile sub-action: %s"
msgstr "不支持的上载功能:%s"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachments for \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "网页\"%(pagename)s\"的附件"

msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Go back and try again..."
msgstr "TextCha:错误答案!请后退并重试..."

msgid ""
"No file content. Delete non ASCII characters from the file name and try "
msgstr "无文件内容。从文件名中删除非ASCII字符后再试。"

msgid "You are not allowed to overwrite a file attachment of this page."
msgstr "你无权覆盖本页面的附件。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') with %(bytes)d bytes "
msgstr "附件'%(target)s'(远端名称'%(filename)s')已上载,共计%(bytes)d字节。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') already exists."
msgstr "附件'%(target)s'已经存在(远端名称 '%(filename)s')。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' already exists."
msgstr "附件 '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' 已存在。"

msgid "Nothing changed"
msgstr "未改动"

#, python-format
msgid "Page '%(new_pagename)s' does not exist or you don't have enough rights."
msgstr "网页'%(new_pagename)s' 不存在或您没有足够权限。"

msgid "Move aborted!"
msgstr "取消移动!"

msgid "Move aborted because new page name is empty."
msgstr "移动失败因为新页面名字空白。"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a valid filename for attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "请使用合理的文件名上载附件'%(filename)s'。"

msgid "Move aborted because new attachment name is empty."
msgstr "移动失败因为新附件名称空白。"

msgid "Move"
msgstr "移动"

msgid "New page name"
msgstr "新网页名称"

msgid "New attachment name"
msgstr "新附件名称"

msgid "You are not allowed to get attachments from this page."
msgstr "您无权下载此页附件。"

msgid "You are not allowed to install files."
msgstr "您无权安装文件。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' installed."
msgstr "附件'%(filename)s'已安装。"

msgid "You are not allowed to unzip attachments of this page."
msgstr "你无权对此页附件解压缩(unzip)。"

#, python-format
msgid "The file %(filename)s is not a .zip file."
msgstr "此文件%(filename)s不是一个 .zip 文件。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because some files in the zip are "
"either not in the same directory or exceeded the single file size limit "
"(%(maxsize_file)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"附件 '%(filename)s' 未能解压缩,原因可能是由于zip中某些文件不在同一个目录下,"
"或者超过了单一文件大小限制 (%(maxsize_file)d kB)。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment storage size limit (%(size)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"附件 '%(filename)s' 未能解压缩,原因是文件解包后超过每页附件存储空间限制 "
"(%(size)d kB)。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment count limit (%(count)d)."
msgstr ""
"附件'%(filename)s'解压缩失败,原因是超过了每页附件数目限制 (%(count)d)。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' partially unzipped (did not overwrite: "
msgstr "附件 '%(filename)s' 部分解压缩 (未覆盖:%(filelist)s)。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' unzipped."
msgstr "附件'%(filename)s'已解压缩(unzip)。"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s'"
msgstr "附件'%(filename)s'"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "下载"

msgid "Package script:"
msgstr "包脚本:"

msgid "File Name"
msgstr "文件名"

msgid "Modified"
msgstr "已更新"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "大小"

msgid "Unknown file type, cannot display this attachment inline."
msgstr "不明文件类型,不能内嵌在正文中。"

msgid "You are not allowed to view attachments of this page."
msgstr "你无权访问此页附件。"

#, python-format
msgid "attachment:%(filename)s of %(pagename)s"
msgstr "%(pagename)s的附件 attachment:%(filename)s"

msgid "General Information"
msgstr "一般信息"

#, python-format
msgid "Page size: %d"
msgstr "网页大小:%d"

msgid "SHA digest of this page's content is:"
msgstr "此页正文的SHA编码:"

msgid "The following users subscribed to this page:"
msgstr "订阅此页的用户:"

msgid "This page links to the following pages:"
msgstr "此页连到以下网页:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to "
"'''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total."
msgstr ""
"显示网页编辑历史,从第 '''%(start_offset)d''' 个到第 '''%(end_offset)d''' "
"个,共 '''%(total_count)d''' 个记录。"

msgid "Newer"
msgstr "更新"

msgid "Older"
msgstr "更旧"

#, python-format
msgid "%s items per page"
msgstr "%s 个记录/页"

msgid "Diff"
msgstr "比较"

msgid "Editor"
msgstr "编辑"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "备注"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "操作"

msgid "to previous"
msgstr "向前"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "无"

msgid "Revision History"
msgstr "修订历史"

msgid "No log entries found."
msgstr "无有关日志。"

#, python-format
msgid "Info for \"%s\""
msgstr "关于\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Show \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "显示\"%(title)s\""

msgid "General Page Infos"
msgstr "一般信息"

msgid "Page hits and edits"
msgstr "网页点击次数和编辑次数"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"

msgid "Delete all /subpages too?"
msgstr "删除所有的子网页?"

msgid "Optional reason for the deletion"
msgstr "删除此页的理由(可选)"

msgid "Really delete this page?"
msgstr "真的要删除此页?"

msgid "Please first create a homepage before creating additional pages."
msgstr "新建附加网页之间请先创建个人主页。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can add some additional sub pages to your already existing homepage "
"You can choose how open to other readers or writers those pages shall be,\n"
"access is controlled by group membership of the corresponding group page.\n"
"Just enter the sub page's name and click on the button to create a new "
"Before creating access protected pages, make sure the corresponding group "
"exists and has the appropriate members in it. Use HomepageGroupsTemplate for "
"the group pages.\n"
"||'''Add a new personal page:'''||'''Related access control list "
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"
msgstr ""
"通过相应群组网页(group page)中的群组用户身份来控制。\n"
"已存在并有相应成员在其中。可以使用 HomepageGroupsTemplate 来创建\n"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"仅%(username)s ||\n"

msgid "MyPages management"
msgstr "个人网页管理"

#, python-format
msgid "(including %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"
msgstr "(其中包括%(localwords)d个%(pagelink)s)"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following %(badwords)d words could not be found in the dictionary of "
"%(totalwords)d words%(localwords)s and are highlighted below:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add checked words to dictionary"
msgstr "将选中的词加入词典"

msgid "No spelling errors found!"
msgstr "没有拼写错误!"

msgid "You can't save spelling words."
msgstr "不能保存单词。"

msgid "You can't check spelling on a page you can't read."
msgstr "不能对无权阅读的网页进行拼写检查。"

msgid "You are not allowed to use this action."
msgstr "您无权进行此项操作。"

msgid "If this account exists an email was sent."
msgstr "如果存在该用户名的帐号,会发送一封邮件。"

msgid ""
"This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.\n"
"Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email."
msgstr "本维基不支持邮件处理,请联系管理员,他可以决定是否要启动邮寄功能。"

msgid "Please provide a valid email address or a username!"
msgstr "请提供一个有效的电子邮件地址或者用户名!"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"

msgid "Mail me my account data"
msgstr "把帐号资料寄给我"

msgid "Recovery token"
msgstr "恢复 token"

msgid "New password"
msgstr "新密码"

msgid "New password (repeat)"
msgstr "重复新密码"

msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr "重置我的口令"

msgid "Passwords don't match!"
msgstr "两次输入的密码不符!"

#, python-format
msgid "Password not acceptable: %s"
msgstr "不可接受的密码:%s"

msgid "Your password has been changed, you can log in now."
msgstr "您的口令已经修改,您现在可以登录。"

msgid "Your token is invalid!"
msgstr "您的令牌无效!"

msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "口令重置"

msgid ""
"== Password reset ==\n"
"Enter a new password below."
msgstr ""
"== 口令重置 ==\n"

msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "丢失口令"

msgid ""
"== Recovering a lost password ==\n"
"If you have forgotten your password, provide your email address or\n"
"username and click on '''Mail me my account data'''.\n"
"You will receive an email containing a recovery token that can be\n"
"used to change your password. The email will also contain further\n"
msgstr ""
"== 恢复丢失口令 ==\n"
"用户名,然后点击 '''发送我的帐号信息'''。\n"

msgid ""
"=== Password reset ===\n"
"If you already have received the email with the recovery token, enter your\n"
"username, the recovery token and a new password (twice) below."
msgstr ""
"=== 口令重置 ===\n"

msgid ""
"You need to manually go to your OpenID provider wiki\n"
"and log in before you can use your OpenID. MoinMoin will\n"
"never allow you to enter your password here.\n"
"Once you have logged in, simply reload this page."
msgstr ""
"您需要手动完成在您 OpenID 提供者 wiki 的登录,\n"
"然后才可以使用您的 OpenID。MoinMoin 绝不会让您\n"

msgid "OpenID Trust verification"
msgstr "OpenID 信任校验"

#, python-format
msgid "The site %s has asked for your identity."
msgstr "站点 %s 请求您的身份。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you approve, the site represented by the trust root below will be\n"
"told that you control the identity URL %s. (If you are using a delegated\n"
"identity, the site will take care of reversing the\n"
"delegation on its own.)"
msgstr ""
"如果您批准,下面的 trust root 表示的站点将被告知由您控制着身份URL %s。\n"

msgid "Trust root"
msgstr "信任站点"

msgid "Identity URL"
msgstr "身份 URL"

msgid "Remember decision"
msgstr "记住选项"

msgid "Remember this trust decision and don't ask again"
msgstr "记住选项,不再询问"

msgid "Approve"
msgstr "批准"

msgid "Don't approve"
msgstr "未批准"

msgid "OpenID not served"
msgstr "OpenID 服务未启用"

msgid ""
"Unfortunately you have not created your homepage yet. Therefore,\n"
"we cannot serve an OpenID for you. Please create your homepage first\n"
"and then reload this page or click the button below to cancel this\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribe users to the page %s"
msgstr "订阅网页%s"

msgid "Enter user names (comma separated):"
msgstr "输入用户名 (逗号分隔):"

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribed for %s:"
msgstr "已经订阅%s:"

msgid "Not a user:"
msgstr "非用户:"

msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action."
msgstr "您无权进行此项操作。"

msgid "Print slide show"
msgstr "打印幻灯片"

msgid "Edit slide show"
msgstr "编辑幻灯片"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "退出"

msgid "Quit slide show"
msgstr "退出幻灯片放映"

msgid "Show first slide (up arrow)"
msgstr "展示首张幻灯(上箭头)"

msgid "Show last slide (down arrow)"
msgstr "展示尾张幻灯(下箭头)"

msgid "Show previous slide (left arrow)"
msgstr "展示前张幻灯(左箭头)"

msgid "Show next slide (right arrow)"
msgstr "展示后张幻灯(右箭头)"

msgid "Charts are not available!"
msgstr "不能绘制图表!"

msgid "You need to provide a chart type!"
msgstr "请指定图表类型!"

#, python-format
msgid "Bad chart type \"%s\"!"
msgstr "错误的图表类型\"%s\"!"

msgid "Load"
msgstr "加载"

msgid "Pagename not specified!"
msgstr "未指定页面名称!"

msgid "Upload page content"
msgstr "上传页面内容"

msgid ""
"You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page "
"name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is "
"empty, we derive the page name from the file name."
msgstr ""

msgid "File to load page content from"
msgstr "用于加载页面内容的文件"

#, python-format
msgid "(!) Only pages changed since '''%s''' are being displayed!"
msgstr "(!) 仅显示'''%s'''后发生改动的网页!"

msgid ""
"/!\\ The modification date you entered was not recognized and is therefore "
"not considered for the search results!"
msgstr "/!\\ 您输入的日期无法识别,因此所搜索条目未包含日期!"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a more selective search term instead of {{{\"%s\"}}}"
msgstr "请输入比{{{\"%s\"}}}更精确的关键字"

#, python-format
msgid "Title Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "标题搜索:\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Advanced Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "高级搜索:\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Full Text Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "全文检索:\"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} is invalid. Please refer to HelpOnSearching "
"for more information."
msgstr "您的查询 {{{\"%s\"}}}无效。详情参阅[[帮助-搜索]]。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} didn't return any results. Please change some "
"terms and refer to HelpOnSearching for more information.%s"
msgstr ""
"您的查询 {{{\"%s\"}}} 没有找到任何结果,请修改查询条件。详情参阅"

msgid "(!) Consider performing a"
msgstr "(!) 考虑执行"

msgid "full-text search with your search terms"
msgstr "用您的搜索条件进行全文检索"

msgid ""
"(!) You're performing a title search that might not include all related "
"results of your search query in this wiki. <<BR>>"
msgstr "(!) 您所作的标题检索可能不会包含本维基中所有符合条件的结果。<<BR>>"

msgid "Click here to perform a full-text search with your search terms!"
msgstr "点击对这个标题进行全文检索!"

msgid ""
"Cannot create a new page without a page name.  Please specify a page name."
msgstr "没有网页名就无法创建新网页。请指定一个网页名。"

msgid "Your subscription to this page has been removed."
msgstr "您终止了订阅此页。"

msgid "Can't remove regular expression subscription!"
msgstr "不能取消用正则表达式定义的订阅!"

msgid "Edit the subscription regular expressions in your settings."
msgstr "在用户设置中编辑订阅正则表达式。"

msgid "You need to be subscribed to unsubscribe."
msgstr "您需要先订阅才能退订。"

#, fuzzy
msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Try again below..."
msgstr "TextCha:错误答案!请后退并重试..."

msgid ""
"Supplying a comment is mandatory. Write a comment below and try again..."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Create new drawing \"%(filename)s (opens in new window)\""
msgstr "创建新图片\"%(filename)s (在新窗口打开)\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)"
msgstr "编辑图片 %(filename)s (在新窗口打开)"

#, python-format
msgid "Clickable drawing: %(filename)s"
msgstr "可点击图片 %(filename)s\""

msgid "You are not allowed to save a drawing on this page."
msgstr "此页不能储存图片。"

msgid "Empty target name given."
msgstr "没给目标名称"

msgid "Edit drawing"
msgstr "编辑图片"

#, python-format
msgid "Execute action %(actionname)s?"
msgstr "要执行%(actionname)s操作吗?"

#, python-format
msgid "Action %(actionname)s is excluded in this wiki!"
msgstr "本wiki不可使用%(actionname)s操作!"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to use action %(actionname)s on this page!"
msgstr "您无权对此网页进行%(actionname)s操作!"

msgid "You are not allowed to create the supplementation page."
msgstr "您无权创建讨论页面。"

msgid "Pages"
msgstr "网页"

msgid "Select Author"
msgstr "选择作者"

msgid "Revert all!"
msgstr "全部恢复!"

msgid "Copy all /subpages too?"
msgstr "复制所有子网页?"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "新名称"

msgid "Optional reason for the copying"
msgstr "复制的原因(可选)"

msgid "Really copy this page?"
msgstr "真的要复制此页?"

msgid "You are now logged out."
msgstr "您已登出。"

msgid "No page packages found."
msgstr "找不到网页包!"

msgid "page package"
msgstr "网页包"

msgid "Choose:"
msgstr "选择:"

#, python-format
msgid "Install language packs for '%s'"
msgstr "安装语言包 (%s): "

#, python-format
msgid "Local Site Map for \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\"的本地站点图"

msgid "No older revisions available!"
msgstr "没有旧版!"

#, python-format
msgid "Diff for \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\"版本比较"

#, python-format
msgid "Differences between revisions %d and %d"
msgstr "版本%d和%d间的区别"

#, python-format
msgid "(spanning %d versions)"
msgstr "(跳过第%d版)"

msgid "Previous change"
msgstr "上个改动"

msgid "Next change"
msgstr "下个改动"

msgid "Diff with oldest revision in left pane"
msgstr "在左面板与最旧版本比较"

msgid "No older revision available for diff"
msgstr "没有旧版本可比较"

msgid "Diff with older revision in left pane"
msgstr "在左面板与旧版本比较"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in left pane"
msgstr "在左面板与新版本比较"

msgid "Can't change to revision newer than in right pane"
msgstr "无法变更到比右面板更新的版本"

msgid "Diff with older revision in right pane"
msgstr "在右面板与旧版本比较"

msgid "Can't change to revision older than revision in left pane"
msgstr "无法变更到比左面板更旧的版本"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in right pane"
msgstr "在右面板与新版本比较"

msgid "No newer revision available for diff"
msgstr "没有新版本可比较"

msgid "Diff with newest revision in right pane"
msgstr "在右面板与最新版本比较"

#, python-format
msgid "The page was saved %(count)d times, though!"
msgstr "尽管此页保存了%(count)d次!"

msgid "(ignoring whitespace)"
msgstr "(忽略空格)"

msgid "Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace"
msgstr "忽略空格数量的改变"

msgid "Empty user name. Please enter a user name."
msgstr "请输入用户名。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one\n"
"space between words. Group page name is not allowed."
msgstr ""
"组页(Group page)名不能用作用户名。"

msgid "This user name already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "这个用户名已经被别人占用了。"

msgid "Please specify a password!"
msgstr "请输入一个密码!"

msgid ""
"Please provide your email address. If you lose your login information, you "
"can get it by email."
msgstr ""

msgid "This email already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "别人已经用这个电子邮件注册过了。"

msgid "User account created! You can use this account to login now..."
msgstr "用户帐号成功创建!即时起您就可以用此帐户登录..."

msgid "Password repeat"
msgstr "重复密码"

msgid "TextCha (required)"
msgstr "TextCha (需要安装)"

msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "新用户注册"

msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "创建帐号"

#, python-format
msgid "Full Link List for \"%s\""
msgstr "连向\"%s\"的网页"

msgid "You must login to add a quicklink."
msgstr "您必须首先登录才能添加快捷链接。"

msgid "A quicklink to this page has been added for you."
msgstr "本页已加入到您的快捷链接。"

msgid "A quicklink to this page could not be added for you."
msgstr "无法为您创建一个到此页面的快捷链接。"

msgid "You already have a quicklink to this page."
msgstr "您已经有了一个到此页面的快捷链接。"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page(s)?"
msgstr "为重命名的网页创建重定向?"

msgid "Rename all /subpages too?"
msgstr "重命名所有的子网页?"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page?"
msgstr "为重命名的网页创建重定向?"

msgid "Really rename this page?"
msgstr "真的要重命名此页?"

msgid "Optional reason for the renaming"
msgstr "改名的原因(可选)"

msgid "Wiki Backup"
msgstr "维基备份"

msgid ""
"= Downloading a backup =\n"
"Please note:\n"
" * Store backups in a safe and secure place - they contain sensitive "
" * Make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
" * Make sure the backup file you get contains everything you need in case of "
" * Make sure it is downloaded without problems.\n"
"To get a backup, just click here:"
msgstr ""
"= 下载备份 =\n"
" * 将备份保存在一个安全和加密之处 —— 因数据包含敏感信息。\n"
" * 确认您的维基配置中 backup_* 的取值正确和完整。\n"
" * 确认您获取到的备份包含了一旦出现意外后所需要的所有数据。\n"
" * 确认下载过程没有问题。\n"

msgid "Backup"
msgstr "备份"

msgid "You are not allowed to do remote backup."
msgstr "您无权作远程备份。"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown backup subaction: %s."
msgstr "未知的备份子操作:%s。"

msgid "Revert"
msgstr "恢复"

msgid "You are not allowed to revert this page!"
msgstr "您不可以把此页恢复成旧版!"

msgid ""
"You were viewing the current revision of this page when you called the "
"revert action. If you want to revert to an older revision, first view that "
"older revision and then call revert to this (older) revision again."
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional reason for reverting this page"
msgstr "恢复本页面的原因(可选)"

msgid "Really revert this page?"
msgstr "真的要恢复此页?"

msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"

msgid "Member of Groups"
msgstr "用户组成员"

msgid "Jabber"
msgstr "Jabber"

msgid "Disable user"
msgstr "禁用帐户"

msgid "Enable user"
msgstr "启用帐户"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "禁用"

msgid "Mail account data"
msgstr "把帐号资料寄给我"

msgid "RecentChanges"
msgstr "最新改动"

msgid "WikiTipOfTheDay"
msgstr "今日技巧"

msgid "TitleIndex"
msgstr "标题索引"

msgid "WordIndex"
msgstr "词汇索引"

msgid "FindPage"
msgstr "查找网页"

msgid "MissingPage"
msgstr "缺失网页"

msgid "MissingHomePage"
msgstr "缺失主页"

msgid "WikiHomePage"
msgstr "维基个人网页"

msgid "WikiName"
msgstr "维基链接名"

msgid "WikiWikiWeb"
msgstr "维基网"

msgid "FrontPage"
msgstr "首页"

msgid "WikiSandBox"
msgstr "维基沙盘演练"

msgid "InterWiki"
msgstr "维基链"

msgid "AbandonedPages"
msgstr "废弃网页"

msgid "OrphanedPages"
msgstr "孤立网页"

msgid "WantedPages"
msgstr "待建网页"

msgid "EventStats"
msgstr "事件统计"

msgid "EventStats/HitCounts"
msgstr "事件统计/访问量"

msgid "EventStats/Languages"
msgstr "事件统计/访问语言"

msgid "EventStats/UserAgents"
msgstr "事件统计/访问客户端"

msgid "PageSize"
msgstr "网页大小"

msgid "PageHits"
msgstr "网页流量"

msgid "RandomPage"
msgstr "随机网页"

msgid "XsltVersion"
msgstr "XSLT版本"

msgid "FortuneCookies"
msgstr "名言警句"

msgid "WikiLicense"
msgstr "维基版权"

msgid "CategoryCategory"
msgstr "网页分类"

msgid "CategoryHomepage"
msgstr "个人网页类"

msgid "CategoryTemplate"
msgstr "分类模板"

msgid "HomepageTemplate"
msgstr "个人网页模板"

msgid "HelpTemplate"
msgstr "帮助模板"

msgid "HomepageReadWritePageTemplate"
msgstr "主页读写权限模板"

msgid "HomepageReadPageTemplate"
msgstr "主页只读权限模板"

msgid "HomepagePrivatePageTemplate"
msgstr "主页私有文章模板"

msgid "HomepageGroupsTemplate"
msgstr "主页编辑组权限模板"

msgid "SlideShowHandOutTemplate"
msgstr "幻灯讲义模板"

msgid "SlideShowTemplate"
msgstr "幻灯放映模板"

msgid "SlideTemplate"
msgstr "幻灯片模板"

msgid "SyncJobTemplate"
msgstr "同步事务模板"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/邮件支持"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/安全策略"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/附件"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/增补页面"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/汹涌防止"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences"
msgstr "帮助-系统设置/用户配置"

msgid "HelpOnPackageInstaller"
msgstr "帮助-包安装器"

msgid "HelpOnUpdatingPython"
msgstr "帮助-升级Python"

msgid "HelpOnAdministration"
msgstr "帮助-系统管理"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication"
msgstr "帮助-认证"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie"
msgstr "帮助-认证/扩展Cookie"

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand"
msgstr "帮助-Moin命令"

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump"
msgstr "帮助-命令/导出"

msgid "HelpOnNotification"
msgstr "帮助-通知"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnRobots"
msgstr "帮助-横线"

msgid "HelpOnSessions"
msgstr "帮助-会话"

msgid "HelpOnUserHandling"
msgstr "帮助-用户管理"

msgid "HelpOnXapian"
msgstr "帮助-Xapian"

msgid "HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax"
msgstr "帮助-Moin维基语法"

msgid "HelpOnCreoleSyntax"
msgstr "帮助-Creole语法"

msgid "HelpOnFormatting"
msgstr "帮助-排版"

msgid "MoinMoin"
msgstr "简体中文MoinMoin"

msgid "HelpContents"
msgstr "帮助目录"

msgid "HelpForBeginners"
msgstr "帮助-新手入门"

msgid "HelpForUsers"
msgstr "用户帮助"

msgid "HelpIndex"
msgstr "帮助索引"

msgid "HelpOnAccessControlLists"
msgstr "帮助-访问权限控制表"

msgid "HelpOnActions"
msgstr "帮助-操作"

msgid "HelpOnActions/AttachFile"
msgstr "帮助-操作/附件"

msgid "HelpOnAdmonitions"
msgstr "帮助-警示"

msgid "HelpOnAutoAdmin"
msgstr "帮助-自动管理"

msgid "HelpOnCategories"
msgstr "帮助-分类"

msgid "HelpOnDictionaries"
msgstr "帮助-字典"

msgid "HelpOnDrawings"
msgstr "帮助-绘图"

msgid "HelpOnEditLocks"
msgstr "帮助-编辑锁定"

msgid "HelpOnEditing"
msgstr "帮助-编辑"

msgid "HelpOnEditing/SubPages"
msgstr "帮助-编辑/子网页"

msgid "HelpOnGraphicalEditor"
msgstr "帮助-可视化编辑器"

msgid "HelpOnGroups"
msgstr "帮助-群组"

msgid "HelpOnHeadlines"
msgstr "帮助-标题"

msgid "HelpOnImages"
msgstr "帮助-图片"

msgid "HelpOnLanguages"
msgstr "帮助-语言"

msgid "HelpOnLinking"
msgstr "帮助-链接"

msgid "HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks"
msgstr "帮助-链接/说明链接"

msgid "HelpOnLists"
msgstr "帮助-列表"

msgid "HelpOnLogin"
msgstr "帮助-登录"

msgid "HelpOnMacros"
msgstr "帮助-宏"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject"
msgstr "帮助-宏/嵌入"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/Include"
msgstr "帮助-宏/包含"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MailTo"
msgstr "帮助-宏/发送邮件"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar"
msgstr "帮助-宏/月历"

msgid "HelpOnNavigation"
msgstr "帮助-导航"

msgid "HelpOnOpenIDProvider"
msgstr "帮助-OpenID认证"

msgid "HelpOnPageCreation"
msgstr "帮助-新建网页"

msgid "HelpOnPageDeletion"
msgstr "帮助-删除网页"

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText"
msgstr "帮助-分析插件/ReStructuredText"

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer"
msgstr "帮助-分析插件/ReStructuredText/入门"

msgid "HelpOnProcessingInstructions"
msgstr "帮助-处理指令"

msgid "HelpOnRules"
msgstr "帮助-横线"

msgid "HelpOnSearching"
msgstr "帮助-搜索"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows"
msgstr "帮助-放映幻灯片"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"
msgstr "帮助-放映幻灯片/000前言"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"
msgstr "帮助-放映幻灯片/100创建幻灯片"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation"
msgstr "帮助-放映幻灯片/900最后: 放映开始"

msgid "HelpOnSmileys"
msgstr "帮助-笑脸"

msgid "HelpOnSpam"
msgstr "帮助-Spam"

msgid "HelpOnSpellCheck"
msgstr "帮助-拼写检查"

msgid "HelpOnSuperUser"
msgstr "帮助-超级用户"

msgid "HelpOnSynchronisation"
msgstr "帮助-同步"

msgid "HelpOnTables"
msgstr "帮助-表格"

msgid "HelpOnTemplates"
msgstr "帮助-模板"

msgid "HelpOnThemes"
msgstr "帮助-主题"

msgid "HelpOnUserPreferences"
msgstr "帮助-用户设置"

msgid "HelpOnVariables"
msgstr "帮助-变量"

msgid "HelpOnXmlPages"
msgstr "帮助-XML网页"

msgid "HelpOnComments"
msgstr "帮助-注释"

msgid "HelpOnSubscribing"
msgstr "帮助-订阅"

msgid "CamelCase"
msgstr "驼峰式"

msgid "WikiCourse"
msgstr "维基教程"

msgid "WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?"
msgstr "维基教程/01 什么是MoinMoin"

msgid "WikiCourse/02 Finding information"
msgstr "维基教程/02 寻找信息"

msgid "WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date"
msgstr "维基教程/03 保留日期"

msgid "WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account"
msgstr "维基教程/04 创建帐号"

msgid "WikiCourse/05 User preferences"
msgstr "维基教程/05 用户配置"

msgid "WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage"
msgstr "维基教程/06 建立入口"

msgid "WikiCourse/07 The text editor"
msgstr "维基教程/07 文本编辑"

msgid "WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys"
msgstr "维基教程/08 关键词"

msgid "WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup"
msgstr "维基教程/10 用维基标记排版"

msgid "WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs"
msgstr "维基教程/11 章节"

msgid "WikiCourse/12 Headlines"
msgstr "维基教程/12 标题"

msgid "WikiCourse/13 Lists"
msgstr "维基教程/13 列表"

msgid "WikiCourse/14 Text styles"
msgstr "维基教程/14 文本样式"

msgid "WikiCourse/15 Tables"
msgstr "维基教程/15 表格"

msgid "WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links"
msgstr "维基教程/16 互联维基链接"

msgid "WikiCourse/17 External links"
msgstr "维基教程/17 扩展链接"

msgid "WikiCourse/18 Attachments"
msgstr "维基教程/18 附件"

msgid "WikiCourse/19 Symbols"
msgstr "维基教程/19 表情符"

msgid "WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content"
msgstr "维基教程/20 动态内容"

msgid "WikiCourse/21 Macros"
msgstr "维基教程/21 宏"

msgid "WikiCourse/22 Parsers"
msgstr "维基教程/22 解析器"

msgid "WikiCourse/23 Actions"
msgstr "维基教程/23 操作"

msgid "WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor"
msgstr "维基教程/30 可视化编辑器"

msgid "WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages"
msgstr "维基教程/40 创建页面"

msgid "WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette"
msgstr "维基教程/50 维基礼节"

msgid "WikiCourse/51 Applications"
msgstr "维基教程/51 应用"

msgid "WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki"
msgstr "维基教程/52 维基结构"

msgid "WikiCourseHandOut"
msgstr "维基教程大纲"

msgid "Sun"
msgstr "星期日"

msgid "Mon"
msgstr "星期一"

msgid "Tue"
msgstr "星期二"

msgid "Wed"
msgstr "星期三"

msgid "Thu"
msgstr "星期四"

msgid "Fri"
msgstr "星期五"

msgid "Sat"
msgstr "星期六"

msgid "AttachFile"
msgstr "附件"

msgid "DeletePage"
msgstr "删除"

msgid "LikePages"
msgstr "相似网页"

msgid "LocalSiteMap"
msgstr "本站地图"

msgid "RenamePage"
msgstr "改名"

msgid "SpellCheck"
msgstr "拼写检查"

msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "讨论页"

msgid "User agent"
msgstr "用户客户端"

msgid "Others"
msgstr "其它"

msgid "Distribution of User-Agent Types"
msgstr "浏览器类型分布"

msgid "Page Size Distribution"
msgstr "网页大小分布"

msgid "page size upper bound [bytes]"
msgstr "网页大小上界[字节]"

msgid "# of pages of this size"
msgstr "# 相同大小的网页数"

msgid "Views/day"
msgstr "点击数/天"

msgid "Edits/day"
msgstr "改动次数/天"

#, python-format
msgid "%(chart_title)s for %(filterpage)s"
msgstr "%(filterpage)s的%(chart_title)s图"

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "date"
msgstr "日期"

msgid "# of hits"
msgstr "点击次数"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "语言"

msgid "<Browser setting>"
msgstr "<根据浏览器设置>"

msgid "No orphaned pages in this wiki."
msgstr "本维基无孤立网页。"

msgid "Include system pages"
msgstr "包括系统网页"

msgid "Exclude system pages"
msgstr "不包括系统网页"

msgid "No wanted pages in this wiki."
msgstr "本维基中没有未定义的网页。"

msgid "Python Version"
msgstr "Python版本"

msgid "MoinMoin Version"
msgstr "MoinMoin版本"

#, python-format
msgid "Release %s [Revision %s]"
msgstr "版本%s [修订版本 %s]"

msgid "4Suite Version"
msgstr "4Suite版本"

msgid "Number of pages"
msgstr "总网页数"

msgid "Number of system pages"
msgstr "系统网页数"

msgid "Accumulated page sizes"
msgstr "累计网页大小"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/"
msgstr "%(data_dir)s/pages/ 占用的磁盘空间"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/"
msgstr "%(data_dir)s/ 占用的磁盘空间"

msgid "Entries in edit log"
msgstr "编辑日志项次"

msgid "NONE"
msgstr "无"

msgid "Global extension macros"
msgstr "全局扩充宏"

msgid "Local extension macros"
msgstr "本地扩充宏"

msgid "Global extension actions"
msgstr "全局扩充操作"

msgid "Local extension actions"
msgstr "本地扩充操作"

msgid "Global parsers"
msgstr "全局分析插件(parsers)"

msgid "Local extension parsers"
msgstr "本地扩充分析插件(parsers)"

msgid "Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed"
msgstr "Xapian和/或其Python绑定未安装"

msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "不再有效"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "有效"

msgid "index unavailable"
msgstr "索引不可用"

msgid "index available"
msgstr "索引可用"

msgid "Xapian search"
msgstr "Xapian搜索"

msgid "Stemming for Xapian"
msgstr "Xapian 词干(stemming)"

msgid "Active threads"
msgstr "活跃线程"

msgid "Search for items"
msgstr "条目搜索"

msgid "containing all the following terms"
msgstr "包含以下所有条目"

msgid "containing one or more of the following terms"
msgstr "包含以下一个或多个条目"

msgid "not containing the following terms"
msgstr "未包含以下条目"

msgid "last modified since (e.g. 2 weeks before)"
msgstr "最后一次修改在(如:两周前)"

msgid "any category"
msgstr "任何分类"

msgid "any language"
msgstr "任何语言"

msgid "any mimetype"
msgstr "任何MIME类型"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "分类"

msgid "File Type"
msgstr "文件类型"

msgid "Search only in titles"
msgstr "标题搜索"

msgid "Case-sensitive search"
msgstr "大小写敏感搜索"

msgid "Exclude underlay"
msgstr "排除系统文档"

msgid "No system items"
msgstr "无系统内容"

msgid "Search in all page revisions"
msgstr "在所有修订版中搜索"

msgid "Go get it!"
msgstr "开始搜索!"

#, python-format
msgid "No quotes on %(pagename)s."
msgstr "页面 %(pagename)s 中无引用。"

msgid "Contents"
msgstr "目录"

msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "变量名"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "缺省"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"

msgid "Lexer description"
msgstr "Lexer 描述"

msgid "Lexer names"
msgstr "Lexer 名称"

msgid "File patterns"
msgstr "文件类型"

msgid "Mimetypes"
msgstr "MIME类型"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported navigation scheme '%(scheme)s'!"
msgstr "不支持的导航方案'%(scheme)s'!"

msgid "No parent page found!"
msgstr "找不到上层网页!"

msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "幻灯片模式"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "开始"

#, python-format
msgid "Slide %(pos)d of %(size)d"
msgstr "幻灯片%(pos)d/%(size)d"

msgid "File attachment browser"
msgstr "附件浏览器"

msgid "User account browser"
msgstr "用户帐号浏览器"

msgid "Search Titles"
msgstr "标题搜索"

msgid "Display context of search results"
msgstr "显示找到网页的内容"

msgid "Case-sensitive searching"
msgstr "大小写敏感搜索"

msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "正文检索"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Unknown macro parameter: %s."
msgstr "未知的备份子操作:%s。"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"More than one needle with search_macro_parse_args config option enabled "
"('%(needle)s' found already, '%(arg)s' occurred)"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: invalid macro name>>"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: execution failed [%(error_msg)s] (see also the log)>>"
msgstr "<<%(macro_name)s: 执行失败 [%(error_msg)s] (see also the log)>>"

msgid "Go To Page"
msgstr "转到网页"

msgid "Wiki configuration"
msgstr "维基配置"

msgid ""
"This table shows all settings in this wiki that do not have default values. "
"Settings that the configuration system doesn't know about are shown in "
"''italic'', those may be due to third-party extensions needing configuration "
"or settings that were removed from Moin."
msgstr ""
"这个表显示本维基上没有缺省值的所有设置。配置系统未知的设置显示为 ''斜体'',这"
"可能是由第三方扩展所需要的设置或者是从旧版本 Moin 中移除的设置。"

msgid "Setting"
msgstr "设置"

#, python-format
msgid "%(mins)dm ago"
msgstr "%(mins)d分钟前"

msgid "(no bookmark set)"
msgstr "(未设置书签)"

#, python-format
msgid "(currently set to %s)"
msgstr "(目前设为%s)"

msgid "Delete bookmark"
msgstr "删除书签"

msgid "Set bookmark"
msgstr "设置书签"

msgid "[Bookmark reached]"
msgstr "书签结尾"

msgid "Markup"
msgstr "标记"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "显示"

#, python-format
msgid "Upload new attachment \"%(filename)s\""
msgstr "上载新附件\"%(filename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s "
msgstr ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s:必须的参数 %(argument_name)s 没有提"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s="
msgstr ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s:无效 %(argument_name)s="

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because "
"of its mimetype %(mimetype)s."
msgstr "当前配置不允许嵌入文件 %(file)s 因为它的 mimetype %(mimetype)s。"

msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "内嵌"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid include arguments \"%s\"!"
msgstr "无效的include参数\"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Nothing found for \"%s\"!"
msgstr "找不到\"%s\"!"

msgid "Switch user"
msgstr "切换用户"

msgid "No user selected"
msgstr "未选择用户"

msgid ""
"You can now change the settings of the selected user account; log out to get "
"back to your account."
msgstr "您可以修改所选用户的设置;退出登录以重新返回您自己的帐户。"

msgid "You are the only user."
msgstr "您是唯一用户。"

msgid ""
"As a superuser, you can temporarily assume the identity of another user."
msgstr "作为管理员,您可以临时使用其他帐号身份。"

msgid "Select User"
msgstr "选择用户"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "用户设置"

msgid "This jabber id already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "别人已经用这个 jabber id 了。"

#, python-format
msgid "The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!"
msgstr "未能装载主题'%(theme_name)s'!"

msgid "User preferences saved!"
msgstr "用户设置已保存!"

msgid "the one preferred"
msgstr "您喜爱的"

msgid "free choice"
msgstr "随意选择"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"

msgid "Preferred theme"
msgstr "主题"

msgid "Editor Preference"
msgstr "编辑器喜好"

msgid "Editor shown on UI"
msgstr "界面上显示的编辑器"

msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "时区"

msgid "Your time is"
msgstr "您的当地时间是"

msgid "Server time is"
msgstr "服务器时间是"

msgid "Date format"
msgstr "日期格式"

msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "界面语言"

msgid "General options"
msgstr "一般选项"

msgid "Quick links"
msgstr "快捷链接"

msgid "Change password"
msgstr "修改密码"

msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr "您口令被改变。"

msgid "To change your password, enter a new password twice."
msgstr "要修改您的口令,输入新口令两次。"

msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr "OpenID 设置"

msgid "Cannot remove all OpenIDs."
msgstr "无法删除所有 OpenIDs。"

msgid "The selected OpenIDs have been removed."
msgstr "选择的 OpenID 已经被删除。"

msgid "No OpenID given."
msgstr "未提供 OpenID。"

msgid "OpenID is already present."
msgstr "OpenID 已经存在。"

msgid "This OpenID is already used for another account."
msgstr "这个 OpenID 已经被其他帐号使用。"

msgid "OpenID added successfully."
msgstr "OpenID 成功添加。"

msgid "Current OpenIDs"
msgstr "当前 OpenIDs"

msgid "Remove selected"
msgstr "删除选择"

msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr "添加 OpenID"

msgid "Notification"
msgstr "通知"

msgid "Notification settings saved!"
msgstr "通知设置被保存!"

msgid "'''Email'''"
msgstr "'''电子邮件'''"

msgid "'''Jabber'''"
msgstr "'''Jabber'''"

msgid "'''Event type'''"
msgstr "'''事件类型'''"

msgid "Select the events you want to be notified about."
msgstr "选择您要获取的通知事件。"

msgid ""
"Before you can be notified, you need to provide a way to contact you in the "
"general preferences."
msgstr "在您获取订阅通知前,您需要在一般设置中提供一个可用的联系方式。"

msgid "Subscribed events"
msgstr "订阅事件"

msgid "Subscribed wiki pages<<BR>>(one regex per line)"
msgstr "订阅的维基网页<<BR>>(每行一个正规表达式)"

msgid "OpenID server"
msgstr "OpenID 服务器"

msgid "The selected websites have been removed."
msgstr "选择的站点被删除。"

msgid "Trusted websites"
msgstr "信任站点"

#, python-format
msgid "Inlined image: %(url)s"
msgstr "内嵌图片:%(url)s"

msgid "Toggle line numbers"
msgstr "切换行号显示"

#~ msgid "New user account created on %(sitename)s"
#~ msgstr "新用户帐号创建于 %(sitename)s"

#~ msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to move attachments!"
#~ msgstr "请使用用户界面交互地移动附件!"

#~ msgid "Page Name"
#~ msgstr "打包文件名"

#~ msgid "InstallDocs"
#~ msgstr "安装文档"

#~ msgid "HelpOnUpdating"
#~ msgstr "帮助-升级"

#~ msgid "OpenID: handle verify continuation"
#~ msgstr "OpenID: 处理连续校验"

#~ msgid "you may need to login to edit this page"
#~ msgstr "只有登录以后才能编辑此网页。"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Installing theme files is only supported for standalone type servers."
#~ msgstr "只有独立型服务器才支持安装主题文件。"

#~ msgid "InterWikiMap"
#~ msgstr "内部维基映射"

#~ msgid "BadContent"
#~ msgstr "坏东西"

#~ msgid "LocalBadContent"
#~ msgstr "本地坏东西"

#~ msgid "EditedSystemPages"
#~ msgstr "已编辑过的系统网页"

#~ msgid "Created the package %s containing the pages %s."
#~ msgstr "生成的包%s包含网页%s。"

#~ msgid "You need to log in."
#~ msgstr "您需要登录。"